A fermented liquid health tonic offers an array of powerful health benefits. It is none other than the popular apple cider vinegar or ACV. Since the time of Hippocrates – the “Father of Medicine” – ACV has been renowned for its curative properties.

In his popular book “ARTHRITIS & FOLK MEDICINE,” DR. D.C. Jarvis reports how he found that Vermonters who regularly consumed ACV & Honey had excellent health, with many putting in a vigorous day’s work on the farm even when well into their eighties. Jarvis also noted the effects of ACV & H on arthritis to be remarkable, with many patients reporting almost total relief after taking a course of the mixture. Dr. Jarvis surmised that the acid and potassium in cider vinegar counteracted calcium deposits and helped the body control calcium use. Jarvis also noted that Vermonters who consumed ACV & H around mealtime had excellent blood pressure and circulation. He found that protein foods thickened the blood and vinegar thinned it. As the blood thickens, it cannot pass easily through the blood vessels and capillaries. This poor blood flow would reduce cellular health by limiting nutrients to the cells and eliminating waste from the cells. The body naturally increases blood pressure to prevent cellular damage, which puts more stress on the blood vessels, organs, and the heart. Having ACV & H with meals will help prevent protein raising blood pressure. It also contributes to a feeling of greater well-being because the thinner blood circulates quickly & more easily through the blood vessels. Dr. Jarvis found regular consumption of CV & H to be an excellent health tonic with numerous health attributes.

ACV is highly nutritious as it contains all the goodness of the apple in a form that is readily accepted by the body. Good health starts with good digestion and assimilation of nutrients. ACV taken before food will stimulate and promote healthy digestion and assimilation of vital nutrients for good health. A well-functioning digestive system helps prevent disease by neutralising toxic substances that enter the body.

It is important to note that not all ACV is produced traditionally, and results are likely to prove disappointing with some other cider vinegar.

Marshall’s Premium ACV & ACV with 20% Manuka Honey, a Canterbury product, is produced traditionally from organic whole apples. It is double strength, ensuring you can use less. This unique product is recommended for its traditional production and double strength, offering you a special health tonic that stands out from the rest.

Our Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy, located at 101 Seaview Road, New Brighton, are always ready to assist those seeking further information or guidance. Simply call in to see us, or phone us on: (03)388-5757. We are here to support you on your journey to better health!

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Very awesome article


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